Upcoming EVENTS in 2024

Sing away the winter blahs and raise your voice in joyful harmony with Indianapolis Women’s Chorus and Indy Parks! 

The Winter Joy Community Sing-Along is an all-ages, no-experience-necessary time to sing together, and it’s open to everyone! This “holiday alternative” event will feature a wide variety of inspiring non-religious music, taught by ear, so that every voice can participate in singing about peace, love, friendship, light, and hope for the new year. Cozy refreshments (cookies and hot cocoa) will be provided. 

Winter Joy Community Sing
December 10, 6:30-7:30PM
Riverside Park Family Recreation Center
FREE and open to ALL!

More information available here or on the Indy Parks website.


Season Sponsor


Black Lives Matter

Driven by our mission to use the power of women and song to transform communities, we have committed to the long journey of listening and learning to become a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible organization. As we continue to grow and learn as individuals, we are engaging as a community in an intentional process of dialogue and reflection about our own culture and programming. In so doing, we stand with all of our friends and neighbors taking action to combat systemic racism.

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Copyright © 2024 Indianapolis Women's Chorus