Individual - Donate


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As a donor, you become a part of the larger IWC support community, helping to grow our chorus and our audiences, expand our collaborations, and strengthen our programming. 

The IWC has been a treasured presence in the local musical arts scene for over two decades. The IWC is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.

When you donate, we will send you a letter of appreciation and we will also send appropriate acknowledgements for special occasion and memorial gifts. With some types and levels of giving you will also have the option of having your name printed in concert programs and on the website. Learn more about these various options:
  • Special Occasion Gift - give a gift in honor of someone's birthday or anniversary
  • Memorial Gift - give a gift in memory of someone special
  • Angel Fund - scholarship fund to help singers pay their membership fees

Indianapolis Women's Chorus is a not-for-profit organization. Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by the IRS. EIN 35-1818057.
Copyright © 2025 Indianapolis Women's Chorus